Customer Forces His Grandmother to Go to the Bank on a Stretcher

A HSBC customer took his grandmother on a stretcher to the branch in San Luis Potosí due to the bank's refusal to unlock her account electronically. The family criticized the bank's lack of sensitivity in health situations.

Customer Forces His Grandmother to Go to the Bank on a Stretcher

A customer of HSBC bank reported that he was forced to take his grandmother to a branch on a stretcher because she was not allowed to resolve a process at home despite her health issues. The events took place at the HSBC branch in Plaza Fundadores, San Luis Potosí, on Friday, March 7, when the woman's account was blocked by the bank due to an expired card.

André Desbois, the affected customer, explained that his grandmother Josette used the card to pay for medications, physiotherapy, nursing, and food. After communicating the situation to customer service, HSBC responded that it was necessary to appear at the branch to unblock the account, as it was not possible to do it electronically.

The family argued that they could not go to the branch because the woman was in rehabilitation and needed to be connected to oxygen. Despite this, HSBC did not offer any other alternative, insisting that it was not feasible to carry out the procedure remotely. Due to the lack of digital solutions from the bank, the family had to request a loan to hire an ambulance and take the grandmother to the branch.

André Desbois expressed his outrage on social media, calling it disgraceful that HSBC forced his grandmother to go to the branch against her health conditions. The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Service Users (Condusef) contacted the affected parties, and it is unknown what the process against HSBC will be. Users condemned the behavior of the bank employees, and a public response from HSBC regarding this incident is awaited.